Finally! Upgrading to 11.10! #ubuntu

I’m so puzzled why I’m not getting any upgrade notification for 11.10 … thanks to I found out that I need to edit some file and change to “Prompt=normal” then bang! now I’m upgrading! Let’s see if its going to be a success.

– Made the link clickable

Update 20111017131400:
– Successful upgrade!

How to configure Ekiga to connect to Asterisk on Ubuntu Desktop

How to configure Ekiga to connect to Asterisk on Ubuntu Desktop In my previous article I used X-Lite 4 to connect to Asterisk. One of my commenter asked me to help installing X-Lite on Ubuntu. I started to investigate the problem, and I faced with an interesting problem: the X-Lite installer available on Macintosh and Windows platforms only. So I useed Ekiga Softphone on Linux systems. If you interested in a step by step guide for Ekiga installation and configuration with Asterisk, then press More below. Ther … Read More

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