Encountered 3 reboots and one power cycle for a month. Can send and receive sms through email and access webcam and camera module.
Very handy RPi SMS Gateway with Camera
The Father Francis P. Duffy Statue by Charles Keck
1,864 Islands
Uncle Sam Boat
Sackets Harbor, Jefferson County, New York
starry starry night… My Raspberry Pi works and bright ^_^
Best way to test an induction cooker…
Testing #Darktable and #Digikam for Samsung #NX300 RAW image files
Testing the two Free/Open-Source multi-platform photo management software… Darktable stand-out so far for opening and editing my RAW file came out from Samsung NX300. I’m not sure with digiKam but once I opened the file, it only loads a pink noised image instead of the photo.
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