Samsung NX300 body firmware 1.33 is now available!


Samsung just released version 1.33 firmware for their NX300, and now ready for download.  You may install it through i-Launcher program or by copying the firmware directly to SD memory card.  The recent update highlights five major items:

1.  Remote View Finder – add touch AF function
2.  Remote View Finder – add streaming quality option
3.  Improve connection speed to Android
4.  Improve Movie Recording
5.  Improve full time manual focus for 60mm and 85mm lenses

Impressive update… but still hoping that they’ll include a very basic function like time-lapse on their next release.

check this out! or this

Android 4.2.2 OTA Update


After installing 4.2.2 through OTA, my mobile radio doesn’t work. WiFi, Bluetooth, etc… everything works fine but my network says “No Service”… it can’t detect my IMEI either. As usual… I Google’d and found a thread on XDA how to fix it. The first page of the thread looks hopeless… they are saying that I have to change the motherboard and nothing can fix it… and I was like “WTF!”

After hitting page 2… finally someone posted a link from XDA thread… flashing it will fix the issue. So I rush and start the day flashing my Nexus 4 the following day… My pictures, music, SMS and keepass files are stored and sync on Dropbox, SkyDrive,UbuntuOne and Google Drive. So… everything seems covered and flashing went well and successful. One thing I forgot though… my 2-step verification for Google and Dropbox… sh!t

I’m able to recover my Google Authentication but my 5gig+ Dropbox left out of luck. Their tech support says, they cant recover my account unless I can provide the 16 digit emergency code. Guess what! It doesn’t work! I can’t blame Dropbox… either their tech support for what had happened. Dropbox is a great product and service… it is faster and reliable than other cloud storage as far as I know (base on my personal experience). In fact… I created a new account again.

Lesson: Don’t use 2-step verification if you don’t know how to follow instructions ^_^

Android 4.2.1 to 4.2.2 update doesn’t provide any significant changes. As expected of course… it would be 4.3 or 5.0 if does! silly!!!

Thanks for reading!