Compiling Bitcoind on Raspberry Pi


A short step-by-step on how to compile Bitcoind on Raspberry Pi.

First thing you need to do is to increase the RPi’s Swap Size

$ sudo vim /etc/dphys-swapfile

Modify the line to change the setting from 100Mb to 500Mb.

Apply the changes
$ sudo dphys-swapfile setup
$ sudo dphys-swapfile swapoff
$ sudo dphys-swapfile swapon

Check the new swap size using free command
$ free

Update your Raspberry Pi’s packages
$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get upgrade

Install all dependencies needed to compile the bitcoind
$ sudo apt-get install checkinstall subversion git git-core build-essential

$ sudo apt-get install libtool autotools-dev autoconf

$ sudo apt-get install libssl-dev libdb++-dev libminiupnpc-dev

$ sudo apt-get install libboost-dev libboost-system-dev libboost-filesystem-dev libboost-program-options-dev libboost-thread-dev libboost-all-dev

After successfully installing the packages, go to your preferred directory for downloading the bitcoind source code to compile.
$ cd ~
$ mkdir source
$ cd source
$ git clone git://
$ cd ~/source/bitcoin/src

Prepare the bitcoin source code from github
$ ./
$ ./configure --without-gui

Now… grab something to eat or to watch while compiling. It’s gonna take a long while to compile.

After a few (maybe hours)…  you may now configure your bitcoin.conf and run
$  ~/source/bitcoin/src/bitcoind -daemon


Watch out for my next post on setting-up bitcoind (bitcoin.conf settings)


For minimal configuration… create this file in ~/.bitcoin/bitcoin.conf

rpcuser={insert your preferred username}
rpcpassword={insert your preferred long hash password for security}


Toss some coins!! 🙂 BTC: 1Hb9ci7bcEQ5RNnKnUGEgWj7amBF37mEY6


Raspberry Pi Wireless Access Point using Tenda Wireless USB Adapter

Tenda W311U+ Wireless N150 High Gain USB Adapter
Tenda W311U+ Wireless N150 High Gain USB Adapter

You can make your own Wireless Access Point with Raspberry Pi using Tenda Wireless USB Adapter (W311U+).    It won’t give you the same performance like the commercial one… but it will allow you to connect at least 5 devices and install network security packages to play with 🙂  neat!

Bought from Octagon Megamall with PhP600 price tag.  You can also try other Wireless USB adapters like CDR-King’s… but check if it can operate on “Software AP” mode.

How-To :


RaspberryPi with DHT11 Temperature and Humidity Sensor

DHT11 Sensor with 4.7K Resistor


I just carefully followed the instruction in and now it’s working ^_^.   I’ll be posting the GDocs file link soon 😀

Update 20130831 15:08: See the docs here

Console Temperature and Humidity


DHT11 to GDocs


The Adafruit DHT library was written for AM2302 sensor… if you are using DHT11 sensor, you have to change the line 44 of “” from:

  output = subprocess.check_output([“./Adafruit_DHT”, “2302”, “4”]);


  output = subprocess.check_output([“./Adafruit_DHT”, “11”, “4”]);

Then everything will work well 😀

Happy hacking!  ^_^