

Raspberry Pi + debian wheezy + kannel + ZTE Smartbro dongle

Good for sending 30 SMS per minute… great tool to annoy your recipient. 


#RaspberryPi Spy : RPi + Wheezy + motion + WebCam

Raspberry + webcam Sample Shot

A sample shot of a cheap webcam attached to RPi.  Not bad for surveillance camera alternative. Using Raspberry Pi (UK) B 512mb with 2G SD Card as boot to USB 16G Toshiba Thumbdrive and CDR-King WebCam.

CDR-King WebCam

Raspberry Pi (UK) Model B 512mb

top command
top command
Screenshot of SD and USB storage
Screenshot of SD and USB storage
Screenshot of meminfo and cpuinfo
Screenshot of meminfo and cpuinfo

And while I’m waiting for my busted Powered USB hub to be fixed… I’ll park my WiPi and SmartBro 3G/GSM USB Modem for awhile.

WiPi and SmartBro GSM USB Modem

Reference: http://pingbin.com/2012/12/raspberry-pi-web-cam-server-motion/