using DFRobot LCD Keypad shield
Bread Board for Hardware Hacking
Arduino with LCD Shield + Raspberry Pi = ?
RaspberryPi for Beginners : Preparing an SD Card in Ubuntu 13.04
I’m using Ubuntu 13.04, Kinsgton 4gb microSD with adapter for Raspberry Pi Model B 512mb. Just follow the steps bellow after downloading the disk image from
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#RaspberryPi Spy : RPi + Wheezy + motion + WebCam
A sample shot of a cheap webcam attached to RPi. Not bad for surveillance camera alternative. Using Raspberry Pi (UK) B 512mb with 2G SD Card as boot to USB 16G Toshiba Thumbdrive and CDR-King WebCam.
And while I’m waiting for my busted Powered USB hub to be fixed… I’ll park my WiPi and SmartBro 3G/GSM USB Modem for awhile.
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